Three Practical Guidelines on Preventing Vinyl Pool Damage

Vinyl-lined pools are attractive, and they will enhance your residential landscape. Moreover, this type of swimming pool is less expensive than alternatives in the market. Additionally, the vinyl material used to line the pool is quite resilient. Therefore, you will enjoy long-term service. However, you should note that the benefits reaped from this pool will depend on your maintenance practices. If you neglect the structure, you will have to deal with costly repairs, loss of aesthetic value and premature line replacement. If you are unfamiliar with the upkeep of a vinyl-lined pool, consider these brief guidelines on improving performance and extending the service life:

Prevent Liner Bleaching

Modern vinyl liners are designed and fabricated to minimise the corrosive nature of chlorinated pool water. However, the plastic material is not entirely insusceptible. In simple terms, if the element is exposed to constant high levels of chlorine, it will lose its original, appealing colour. Also, the chemical can affect the plasticity of the liner. Fortunately, you can prevent these detriments by upholding good upkeep practices. You should not shock the pool frequently if you have no water issues; only do so as needed. You should consider using some mineral sanitizer in the pool to reduce your demand for chlorine. Additionally, you should pre-dissolve shocking products in some water instead of direct pouring into the pool. This process will prevent direct contact between the corrosive mineral and the vinyl.

Perform Immediate Leak Repair

Vinyl liners are not highly prone to leaks. However, if the material experiences extreme stress and mechanical impact, some parts might tear. It is essential to perform immediate repairs of the damaged sections of the liner. If these leaks are allowed to remain, they will contribute to the pool's structural damage. In simple terms, the corrosive water will start corroding the steel framework beneath the liner. Also, the sand pool beds will be eroded. You can identify leaks by dye testing the suspected sections, and repairs can be performed using patching products or by pool contractors.

Raise the pH

Swimming pools can become acidic over time due to the use of chlorine and exposure to adverse environmental factors. Unfortunately, this low pH can be highly detrimental to your pool liner. In general, the layer will start losing its plasticity, and the material will become brittle and more prone to breakage. Therefore, you should check your pH level and adjust to a neutral or slightly alkaline level using materials like soda ash for optimal performance and longevity of the feature.

Contact a vinyl liner repairs service for more information and assistance. 
